LatinVFR Hartford Bradley for p3dv4 features:
- KBDL airport all buildings objects and ground polygons made from native PBR materials.
- Airport and immediate surroundings, detailed.
- SODE animated PBR jetways for the best jetway animation possible.
- SODE controlled lighting, automatically illuminating when low visibility and rain conditions.
- SODE controlled rain effects, enabling wet PBR surfaces whenever rain is present.
- Script controlled seasons, automatically change according to the month, no input necessary.
- Script controlled snow ground polygons that activate when snow is present.
- Custom animated airport vehicles.
- Special slippery condition for runways/taxiways that would affect braking action whenever it is raining.
- Static aircraft, customized vehicle animations, animated elevators.
- Scenery configurator for selecting and un-selecting features.
- And much more.....
Lockheed Martin Prepar3d v4 and V5
SODE Sim Object Display Engine